Fr. David McIntosh
Priest in Charge

Fr. David is an accomplished preacher and teacher. After graduating from Duke University, he entered Medical School at the Univesity of Miami. ​After moving to Connecticut, he rediscovered God’s love and a renewed call to the priesthood. He attended the General Theological Seminary in New York City, where he received his Masters of Divinity with special interests in Spirituality and Theodicy.
David continues to practice Pediatrics and Adult Internal Medicine in the Northwest Hills of CT. He teaches medical students and seminary students, is active in regional community programs and has served on non-profit boards and Diocesan committees. His interests include theology, liturgics, ethics, and spirituality, as well theological hiking and liturgical camping. He loves spending time outdoors with his husband Dan and their wild Norwegian Forrest Cat, Esther.

Working to Shine the Light of Christ’s Love for Over 200 Years

Our Staff and Volunteers


Mike Gibbons
Michael Evancho


Charles Wyler

Church Secretary

Cathy Lee

Minister of Music

Katherine Brown

Healing Ministry


Sunday School Teachers

Jackie McDonnell
Don Peck

Youth Group Advisors

Don Peck
Katelyn Wentz

Small Group Leaders

Mike Savage
Laura Burr

Eucharist Visit Coordinator

Marilyn Stebar

Coffee Hour Coordinator

Joy DiMauro

Altar Guild Director

Kim Wentz


Marilyn Stebar


Mike Savage
Kathie Osborn
Joy DiMauro
Peter Van Ness

Lay Worship Leaders

JoAnn Brendenberg
Kathie Osborn
Mike Gibbons

Peter VanNess

Sue Evancho

Stewardship Team

Mike Gibbons (chair)
Charles Wyler

Property Committee Chair

Mike Evancho

Matt McDonnell

Mike Savage

Mike Gibbons

Vinny Keenan

John Costello

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